The proposed stadium is marked with a red X.
It is directly in line with the San Jose Airport flightpath.
The distance from the runway is about 13,000 ft.
That blue line is the 65 Decibel CNEL which stands for Community Noise Equivalent level. That is the Federal governments way of saying this area is noisy..really noisy. The site is surrounded by noise monitoring stations that take samples 24/7/365. You can see the monitoring system live by clicking here. The map is posted on the San Jose Airport site here.
OK, 65 decibels is not very loud, but that is an average level.
The noise levels will peak with each passing plane at 90 decibels!
Now its great entertainment to get the other team a yardage penalty by making a lot of noise. Its another thing altogether to have the home team play calls drowned out by a passing plane.
Can you imagine paying for seats at a concert when you know planes will be going overhead every few minutes? What self respecting artist would even book the venue?